1. GISD wants to increase your taxes!
GISD tells you it's not a tax increase - but it is!
... VOTE NO!
GISD already receives two-thirds of all your property taxes!
... VOTE NO!
GISD just received the VATRE permanent tax increase!
... VOTE NO!
GISD is NOT the only tax-recipient in this town! New taxes coming up:
- Hospital District will get $2.5m more of your property taxes
- HCSO will get a new $100m+ county jail
- City of Granbury will get a new water treatment plant
- County/City Thoroughfares Plan project will get $100s of millions
- GISD Bond-II will follow this one, then GISD-III, ever more, ever more!
- GISD controls HCAD raising your property tax appraisals!
- Your taxes are going up everywhere!
... VOTE NO!
2. GISD doesn't need this UNNECESSARY tax increase!
GISD schools are NOT at capacity!
... VOTE NO!
GISD demographic study is proving its own projects wrong!
... VOTE NO!
GISD Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Glenn says "We've actually plateaued"
... VOTE NO!
3. GISD refuses to hear the People say NOT NOW!
GISD has presented this bond TWICE before; the People rejected!
... VOTE NO!
GISD fails to examine how School Choice will REDUCE its student population!
... VOTE NO!
GISD fails to acknowledge your kitchen-table economics!
- Bidenomics/Kamalanomics may continue after the November election
... VOTE NO!

Well, Jimmy the guy is a THIEF trying to manipulate the outcome of an election! Isn't there one of those in every neighborhood?
At least he's an honest THIEF - if that's not a contradiction in terms. This guy does all the stealing himself, keeps his ill-gotten stash in his own garage. Whereas, others just complain to engage the CITY/manager to steal on their behalf! Either way, they're silencing their opposition.
Or they steal IDEAS:
They tried to make their own sad Yes version of the IYKYN campaign signs, wrapping trees with purple and yellow to mimic the Caution campaign tree wraps, they have a very poorly constructed baby-on-board-type sign, they started putting a QR code on their materials, they added a date banner to their Yes signs, etc., etc, et cetera...
Whereas, the KNOW/NO campaign came out of the gate with every single element planned and perfectly timed, and shockingly BOLD. It's really very sad to realize the Yes team has only ONE original thought: "Yes!"
IYKYN has certainly upped the game for Yes team. They'll be able to use all Tim's ideas in six months, when they try this bond again - but he's a gifted creative guy! Just like their Yes-version of his IP looks like a re faded xerox copy of a copy of a copy of a coffee-stained copy, their creative next time will once again PALE compared to his! They'll still be licking their wounds from this third failed attempt, and they won't be ready to go against him for their fourth try.